Did Pandemic affect our wardrobe?

Believe it or not, a lot of us are troubled by the ongoing pandemic, some obtain their way out by making an unnecessary purchase. Such behaviour leads to flooding of closet space but most importantly it hurts the bank balance. Well, now is the time where we should map and allocate our income suitably. This includes spending less on wardrobe and planning everything else carefully. A lot of people(including me)have a problem of spending on an unnecessary item and hoarding it in the wardrobe as if, it would be of future use! But now is the time, where we educate ourselves and learn from our mistakes. It would not only help us but create awareness.

So, Did the Pandemic affect our wardrobe? Yes, it did! since each one of us knows it very well. There's no time to frown but to make an effective purchase. This ain't the time to buy expensive goods but to gather info about the essentials we are going to need, to get covered. It's time for all of us to stick together in such a tough time and create a happy space that would help us thrive in the best way possible. So stay alert, safe, healthy and save lives.
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